About Steven

Business Owner, Financial Planner, Property Manager, Technology Enthusiast, and Entrepreneur, Steven currently spends most of his time as President of VidaBox LLC working with thousands of integrators on AV projects, and is a third-generation Real Estate Veteran with over 15 years of working with and managing mid-to-high-end single and multi-family home rentals.  He graduated Summa Cum Laude as a Mechanical Engineer with an Aerospace Concentration at NYU-Poly, where he never took a business or finance course, but is considered by many of his peers to be an excellent financial planner & strategist. With a passion for using his problem solving skills in areas ranging from multi-zone AV systems design to maximize returns on his businesses, equities, Real properties, and other investments, he’s also been entrusted by his family and friends to manage a combined portfolio worth a small fortune. Steven is a recovering workaholic currently living in Long Island, NY.

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